
01 January 2011

Buttons and faux fur

Just got back from Hancock, using an online coupon posted over at PatternReview above and beyond their 2-day New Year's sale ... and yes I still have the happy "I win!" feeling and my playlist just started up Santanna's classic hit "I'm Winning" for the ultimate in appropriateness.

Along with the 3 Simplicity coat patterns I ventured out to find, and the obscene amount of coat-appropriate buttons (which hubby says is quite practical given my recent wool purchases!) I also have this bag:
Yes indeedy, the faux furs finally went on sale low enough for me to buy!  I've had my eye on that pink-mauve fur ever since they first got it in early fall fully intending to make a vest of it, and the grey that looks kind-of greenish is just lovely and feels soft.  I'll need to check how it matches some of my wools, in particular the heavy black coating I have set aside for a Currier & Ives style cloak.  When I mentioned to hubby I bought faux furs (without him seeing them yet) he said he has been meaning to make a "silly request": a dark brown or black Dr. Doom cloak with fur trim around the hood.  I had to laugh ... not because I have anything against comic book characters if that is what gets him into a classy cloak ... but because that is the third faux fur!  A very dark brown and soft feeling fur that immediately had me trying to think of a way to work it into something for hubby.

Next weekend, I intend to hit Hancock again for faux shearling and thread, plus the Butterick and Vogue patterns on my to-buy list.  I had misread the flyer on when the Vogues are on sale, but that's okay since they are out of my size range right now.

As for the faux furs, those will stay in the bag until I am ready to work with them.  They shed like mad!  The tip I got at the cutting table - as the fur was flying - was to have the vacuum cleaner within arm's reach when I go to cut and sew.  I've also read on the message board that clippers help reduce the buk on the seam allowances (but just be careful to not shave more than the seam allowance).  I've also read about using a yarn needle to pull the fur out of seams as well.

Anyone have more tips on dealing with faux fur ... and the mess associated with it?

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