
17 January 2011

Second beret and fingerless gloves done

OK, now I think I can put McCall 5996 away ... just finished up hubby's solid brown pair.  As I mentioned in my earlier post today, this is honestly not a complicated pattern.  Four pattern pieces, only a few steps to put it together - and here we are:
That's the second beret I did up yesterday but didn't snap a pic.  I decided to put the seam on the inside this time.  And those are hubby's gloves, one face-down and the other holding my NON-heatset fabric marker.
I forgot to mention this morning a recent addition to my bookmarks folder: Adonising's tips for fleece.  The right side/wrong side tip was definitely used this morning while laying the fleece out to cut!

For those of y'all who might like the fingerless glove idea without the mitten-style finger covers, here's the in-progress pic pausing at this step:
There's a pair of stitch lines at the wrist area on the bottom front piece - I like this little feature.  Just run a set of gathering stitches, and barely gather them to keep the inside wrist portion from stretching too much.  It's part of the pattern ... I can't take credit for it.

I'm still putting the seams on the outside for these gloves.  Hubby asked about it ... I personally find this more comfortable as opposed to the seams being against the skin.  Is this just another peculiarity of mine?  Or do others feel the same?  Hubby thinks it a little odd-looking, but too late now because I was snapping this pic when he mentioned it.  What do y'all think about this seams-on-the-outside idea?

1 comment:

  1. Nice mittens/fingerless gloves! I don't think it looks odd with the seams out. I've heard of doing similar things with knitting (bind-offs on the outside) to avoid bulk on the inside.
