
06 March 2011

Simplicity 4059 doublet on the right man

I finally managed to catch up with my friend the history professor to give him his doublet ... and get pictures of it on the right man it was fitted for!  I do definitely appreciate hubby modelling it for pics last week ... but it looks so much better on the body it was fitted to:

My friend has lost a few pounds since October, but he usually does over the cold and flu season.  I'll wait until he gains it back before attempting to fit him for pants, so the next project for him will be the flat cap.  I'll also need to show him how to do spiral lacing .... he says he isn't familiar with it.  He is quite pleased with how this doublet turned out, though.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, so much better. But good for your hubby for being a good sport earlier.
