
03 April 2011

M6051 apron finished and being used

I decided to get my backside in gear this morning and finished up my apron from McCall 6051 ... and since hubby was occupied when I finished it, I decided to put it to use while cleaning up the kitchen a bit.  There is a water spot on the pocket ... but here are pics after it protected my clothing from washing dishes and cleaning the counter and stove:

And a back-side view.  I had to crop the top half of my face off due to glasses glare, but that's okay because y'all don't really want to see what kind of not-morning person I tend to be.  Hubby thinks the apron is cute ... and suggested a French maid uniform next.  Ummm ... probably not this year!  LOL

The pattern is an easy apron, with nothing new technique-wise, and should have only taken me a day or two if I had been up to full speed this week.  For a few minutes, I thought pleating the ruffles on might be better ... but I had already run gathering stitches and had already pinned the matching notches and points, so I just went ahead with the gathering.

It'll protect my corsets and blouses from flying popping bacon grease and various sauces and condiments ...


  1. The apron looks very nice! I feel you about not being a morning person, I am definitely not either. :]

  2. Very pretty. As to the water spot, wasn't it just yesterday that you were saying the apron part below the waist is not too useful? It's all useful. LOL. My MiL made an ankle-length one for me--that's useful too.

  3. TY for the compliments ... what I said was the bottom ruffled hemmed didn't make for an exciting (or even interesting) pic. Until I gathered it, it was just two rectangles of fabric stitched together at the top.
