
09 May 2011

B5355 silk tunic done? Maybe

So I bit the bullet (after spilling coffee on myself earlier) and attached the sash carriers and finished the neckline ... Pic first then commentary:

Butterick 5355 raglan tunic in silk charmeuse
First up: using the sleeve casings was not a good idea.  Bias binding would have looked much better.  I may be able to pull victory out of the jaws of defeat ... right now a tiny thought from one of my two last working brain cells is whispering about handbasting embroidery thread around the top and gathering it in just enough to persuade it to lay flat against my neckline.  Maybe this evening ... so if anyone wants to sound the "bad idea!" warning you have most of the day to do it.

I moved the sash carriers down from where the pattern has them marked ... and they still feel a bit high when I put it on.  Or maybe I should have graded the hips out a little, considering I went down one size from the measuring chart.

Another observation: silk charmeuse makes a very poor self-fabric sash!  Then again, the charmeuse would probably slide against fine grain sandpaper (might be an exaggeration) but I am thinking a sash made from a fabric that stays tied may have been a smarter choice.  Despite this, I still like how it looks ... except that neckline.  If my handbaste-and-gather idea works though, I will be pleased.

Final note: The neckline is still wide even with going down one size, and I will need to be careful about the bra straps playing peek-a-boo.  I do like this pattern, so will probably make it again.

1 comment:

  1. Your blouse turned out very nicely! Could you put too little loops of thread, or perhaps better yet embroidery floss, on the side seams to slide the sash through to keep it in place? Just a suggestion. :]
