
07 July 2011

More old patterns from Mom

Morning: coffee, cereal ... and sorting old patterns in the box from Mom.  Sounds like a decent start to a day to me!  I already informed hubby I will run no errands and do very little housework today, because today I shall play with sewing stuff.

Here are pics of the rest of the garment patterns from the box, first women's:
Misses/unisex patterns ranging from 1975 to 2005
As noted in the caption, the oldest is from 1975, and the newest from 2005.  I'm torn about which I want to do up first from this group: the 1975 jeans and matching handbag or that drapey tunic pattern from 2003 (think silk charmeuese again!).  The big problem with the 1975 jeans pattern is it has been used ... and the cut pieces were stapled to the instructions to keep from losing them.  There's also the "WooHOO!" factor in having a real 1987 boyfriend jacket pattern.

Now, the men's patterns:
Men's/unisex patterns, 1971 to ???
Those two Kwik Sew patterns are undated, but between the style on the shirt ("beach jacket") and the prices (!!) I am going to guess mid-1970s.  Seriously ... Kwik Sews for $1.25 and $2.50??  As for the amount of garment selection ... these are all post-style period for guys for the most part.  Not a funky or disco one in the bunch.  Dad wasn't cutting/bleeding edge stylish in those days, but he wasn't that conservative either.  I'm wondering if the trendier mid- to late-70s patterns died in the basement flood a few years back.  I could have had some real fun with some of the collar styles I remember my dad wearing (and there are pictures in the family to prove it!).

There is still one more small stack of old patterns from the box ... all missing their envelopes ... not garments at all ... but those definitely get their own post.

Meanwhile, I need to think of how to remove that staple from the 1975 jeans pattern without tearing anything. Added bonus: I have almost unpacked and put enough away to reach my embroidery machine again!  It's whispering to me again about how it wants to come out and play ....

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