
01 July 2011

Zero dark stupid

It's "zero-dark-stupid" as we used to say in the army ... approximately 0430-ish ... and we just rolled in after deciding to drive all night rather than fight the holiday weekend traffic tomorrow ... err, later today.  I'll have lots to blog about over the next week, as I have pics from gifts that now reside in Indiana, and will be taking pics of gifts that came home with me, along with being reunited with things from years ago.

We'll be getting some sleep shortly, but I thought a blog post might be more polite than a phone call home to announce our safe return at this hour.


  1. I am in Indiana! Where by chance did you visit?

  2. All the way up to Ft Wayne, where family is.

  3. That's cool. I am in Muncie, so not to far!

  4. Yup, I know where Muncie is ... this might amuse you: When we were kids, my brother - just having learned to read - pronounced it "Munchie".

  5. That is funny! Next time you come into town you should check out the new fabric store in Indy called The French Seam.
