
03 February 2012

Ransom negotiations, pineapple doily style

So, I posted up my first pineapple doily - first full-sized doily, period - the other day, with a ransom note to Mom.  I called her for her birthday, and she says while it looks quite nice, she likes solid colored doilies better ... preferably in off-white.  Hmmm ... I have white-white thread, but surprisingly no off-white crochet thread in my (still small) lace stash.  I guess this counts as a good excuse to buy some.

Here is the variegated holiday doily, unpinned and starched.
holiday variegated pineapple doily
This one will still go out in the mail within the next week (provided I actually get to the post office).  It just won't be headed to Mom's house now ... Nope, not saying where it's going.  It will be a surprise.


  1. Nicely done. (Am I sounding like a broken record? LOL).

    Cream. I love Knit-Cro-Sheen in Cream.

  2. gloria, is that a suggestion, or another request??

  3. Hahaha. That is a suggestion for your mother's doily. Cream is very soft and delicate looking although it isn't any lighter in weight than the black or the varigated. Close but not as pretty is Ecru.

  4. Okay, so where the heck are you??
    Val says you're dissing her by not showing up to chat anymore.

  5. BTW, there's plaid linen in FM's 50% off section.
    /me smiles innocently
