
30 August 2012

More soap bags

Just a quick-pic update as I struggle to pry my eyes open with a third mug of coffee.  I usually stop after the second mug, but it just ain't having the usual motivating effect this time.

I've been playing with the crochet thread a lot lately, and the focus has been soap bags.  I had to adapt the pattern I used before to accommodate the local soapmakers' larger sized bars, but I think I'll keep this pattern to myself for a while as they have expressed an interest in selling my soapbags.

First, the original soapbag next to my first adaptation:
size-adapted on left, original on right
Now, for a style variation for my solid colored threads, this one is for my son:
Soapbag in UK blue with the beer soap
I included the soap label, because some folks have expressed doubt about whether I was serious when I said I bought hubby some beer soap.  Yes, it really does smell like beer (hubby kept the first bar next to his chair for a week just so he could smell it).  I know the soap lady has a page on FaceBook, but I don't see an independent website listed on her business card.

So now I need to get the soap in the "right" color soap bag to son, who is having a great time as a college freshman 200 miles away from home.  I'm starting to miss him, although I am glad he sounds so positive and excited about this new phase in his life.

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