
30 July 2014

More sock knitting

I finished up the Bridal lace socks about a week ago ... they're in the washing machine now but I do have some pics.
close-up of lace pattern

finished Bridal socks on my feet
They fit nicely, and the lace pattern with the slip-stitch rib is open enough to make great summer socks.  I need to remember to reinforce the heels and toes before I wear them too many times, and also the easy lace socks that I still do not have pics of yet.

Rolling along, I have sideways socks on my straight needles for hubby (need pic of those as well) and on my new small circular needles I am trying the "two-at-a-time" (2aat) idea for another lace pattern in a wool/bamboo/nylon blend.
start of "openwork ladders" socks done 2aat on circs
I am about 5 inches into the legs section now, with a couple road trips and appointments to work on them.  Hubby called the 2aat concept "bad(*donkey*) knitting" when he first saw it, then paused and asked, "Can knitting be bad(*donkey*)ed?"  Yes, my dear, it certainly can be.

I realize there are folks reading who are wondering just why I am bothering to knit my own socks.  For that matter, I am sure there are folks who wonder why we'd sew our own clothes too!  (Note: I will certainly be doing more of that, and soon.)  The socks I bought last year have been falling apart at the same rate as the ones I bought in '09 and '10 ... but at least the older ones have the excuse of being older and having given me my money's worth in use.  The ones I bought last year?  JUNK!!!!  It's not only socks, either.  I'll save the rant about underwear/panties for another post, but let's just say most of the recently-purchased ones are already in worse shape than the ones they were bought to replace.  So, I am at the point where I say "(*BLEEP!*) it!  I'll just make my own."  At least if these socks wear out quickly, I will know exactly whom to blame.

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