
12 July 2011

Fabrics out of season

So, it's been ugly-hot this week, with temperatures in the mid-90s (Fahrenheit) and relative humidity close to that.  There's even an "Extreme Heat Warning" in effect this week according to the radio.  So ... what does my friendly USPS carrier bring me today?  A FabricMart box with ... two new wools!
two new wools from FM
The top one - blue and cream houndstooth Shetland wool - is a repeat order, since I now have a real 1975 coat pattern that is just begging me for a houndstooth fabric.  The bonus is this time it was a dollar less per yard than the January sale on Shetland wools.

The bottom one was a couldn't-resist wool suiting, and WOW is it soft feeling!  It's definitely a heavier, fall/winter suiting, and I adore the stripes in addition to the colors.  Note to self: Start working on the blazer/suit jacket idea.

This morning, I declared today to be a "slug day" where I wasn't intending to even get dressed, just lay about the house like a slug.  I accomplished this ... not much else, but after all the road-tripping and errands I've been doing the past 4 or 5 days I needed it.  I briefly thought about pulling out fabric and pattern tissue, but that sounded like too much effort.  I have been working on a slow-hand-embroidery project, and do owe maggie a post on that ... but I am so close to done I'll wait until tomorrow for it.


  1. Oh my goodness that houndstooth wool is amazing! I would order some if I weren't currently waiting on a box from, lol. :]

  2. ooo... that suiting looks way better in your box than it does on the FM website! What's up with that??

  3. There's still some of both on the site, ladies ... WHY did I go look? LOL Maggie - it's a soft-feeling wool also.

  4. Soft wool is so yummy.

    A "slug day", huh? Want some chilly air? Northern California in July and it's in the 50s and low 60s!
