
10 September 2011

Colors! I'm so HAPPY!

I decided to return to the "scene of the crime" with that cotton worsted weight yarn I've been making so many useful things with ... this time I went hoping to score colored yarn.  I was successful!  Yay!  First up, the variegated yarn in colors hubby calls "80s kneesock colors" and my first thing made up in it:
cotton crochet washcloth in "80s kneesock" colors
Yeah baby!  Pink and purple, with just the right splash of a cool sunny yellow and a green I can wear.  I'm pretty sure I've stated my tackiness knows no bounds, and when it comes to 80s color combinations this is painfully obvious to those who don't appreciate such colors.  While hubby sighs and tries to hide his pained expression, I am REVELING in this very recent reemergence of my favorite colors.  Oh yeah, fair warning: I have crochet thread to make lace in this color scheme.  I'm not sure it matches exactly, but it's close.

Hey, after about five years of seeing only earth tones that make me look like a cadaver available in the retail stores, I think I am allowed at least a little celebration. Besides, the earth tones haven't completely disappeared from retail yet ... they are just being combined with colors I can cope with right now.  Like the blue and green in one of my purchases last night:
Colored cotton worsted weight yarns
I restrained myself and put the lavender-white-green yarn back ... although that was a struggle.  One thing that helped me remember to be restrained was I had just hit the sale table of our local specialty yarn shop and scored alpaca yarn ... enough to make myself a lovely and decadent scarf for the winter!
Wonderfully soft alpaca yarn!
Along with being in "my" colors, this stuff is so soft ... it even beat out silk yarn on the table!  To top it off, back in January I scored some alpaca blend coating in tan.  If I can get my (*donkey*) in gear I will be really styling this winter.  (My thoughts have turned to winter sewing with our first cool-weather cold front.)

Now, a well-intentioned alert for those of y'all who look good in earth tones and love to wear them:  GO STOCK UP!!!  If what I've gone through these past few years is any indication, y'all are going to spend the next three to five years grumping about a lack of colors available that suit you.  For some insane reason, the textile and garment industry has the notion that colors are "trends" and depending on the whims of fashion trends, some colors are "out" while others are "in".  I don't know anyone who can change his or her complexion to match these trends, nor do I know anyone who can pull off all colors ... so for the rare fiber fiend who does NOT already have a stash of fabric and/or yarn in those preferred colors, you'll need to break your no-stash rule or suffer the paucity of good colors!  Check the clearance section first ...

Meanwhile, I'll be the too-happy customer in the stores doing happy dances at all the pinks, purples, and cool blues available - especially if they are all in one item!


  1. I love cotton yarns, especially on sale.

    Would you please post the link to your crocheted dishcloth? Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ...

  2. Mary - since that was just playing around with stitches I've learned ... I may need to write that one up. I need to put it to use after snapping a pic of a soap bag I made for hubby and realizing it may be time for the bathroom to get its quarterly cleaning. I'll try to have it up before I forget what I did!

  3. Then .... Long live the tackiness!!
