So, I have been sewing recently. I finally had a burst of motivation, in the form of A.) seeing what's out there in retail stores for sale (EEEK!!) and B.) having the left knee on another pair of jeans rip out too far. It's kind of funny, me saying the knee ripped out too far, as when I was in high school we were all putting holes in our jeans, but when the rip impedes movement because it slides down the shin and then binds up, it's ripped too much.
I started the mockup of the McCall's 5142 jeans pattern last month, after ripping out the zipper of a pair of jeans that tore from the back pocket to the side seam, but progress was a bit slow. I figured after cutting all the pieces out, I'd do the two things in the to-sew pile: hem swim trunks for hubby after shortening them by about five inches, and finally put the waistband in a pair of cotton flannel pajama pants that the cat has been using as a bed for far too long.
Hemming the swim trunks was easy. Getting the waistband in right proved to be a bit of a challenge. First I sewed the pocket towards the butt, so I ripped enough to move it forward of the side seam. Then I caught up a fold of fabric while restitching the waistband, so the seam ripper got even more use. Finally, I got it right - then called it a day.
I mentioned the fitful start to my friend Lynn (who is basically my partner-in-crime for a LOT of things, not just gardening and chickens), and her comment was, "I would have put it down and walked away. That's a classic bad sewing day." Me being me, I had to get it right before I could walk away.
Enough back story ... on to the mockup.
McCall's 5142 jeans in mattress ticking |
Yup, that is mattress ticking. I have to wait until Sunday when Lynn can come over on her day off, because if she's been outside working all day then she's usually too tired to be any help in the evening. I am using the stripes to help with fitting. I have the mockup done enough to wear right now, and can tell I am not happy with the crotch curve, and just plain HATE the front pockets. They are too shallow to be of any use.
I didn't bother to hem the mockup, just straight stitched around then trimmed with pinking shears. While I planned to put in a buttonhole and button, I didn't leave myself enough room at the fly, but the old jeans zipper is holding it just fine. I think I am going to love the contoured waistband. I can't see behind me, but it feels like I do not have the gaposis in back like I usually do.
Normally, I'd have hubby take some pictures for me, but he is on the road with his parents en route to Fort Hood, Texas to go visit his brother, who will be going to Korea after he does his reclass training. That's going to be a long drive, and they are only going to the middle of Texas, not from one end to the other. So, I have to wait until Sunday, but that gives me plenty of opportunity to wear the mockup around the property for chores as it's stress test for comfort.