22 July 2011

Still cross-stitching instead of sewing

Since hubby got off work early, we combined errands ... and now I'm wiped out again.  I could have sworn the temp hit triple digits while we were out, but the weather page is saying only the heat index did.  So instead of pulling out a sewing machine, I finished up my current cross stitch:
Strawberries motif cross stitch
This one is page 94 in Elizabethan Cross Stitch by Hammet, and the other night while surfing around I stumbled on the original it is based on ... the pattern apparently was first published in 1598 in the Jane Bostocke Sampler and was a blackwork design.  Nice webpage on it here, with the blackwork pattern plus a modern stitching of it.

I made a counting error in the top left leaf, but that is mostly covered up by the second green which does not have enough contrast (second oopsie).  So I left two of the leaves "open" ... and as luck has it, those two were done right.

On the same page as this strawberry motif is a very similar design with acorns and oak leaves.  I'm tempted to do that one up also.

I have declared tomorrow a sewing day, because as I was out and about bareheaded today I realized just how badly I need another sunhat with my hair cut short.  Hubby is also wanting a lay-about-the-house day where we don't hassle with errands ... so I may finally break out a machine.

Oops, one more pic of the strawberries, a little larger for Gloria:
Elizabethan era strawberries motif


Maggie said...

ooo, pretty!

glorm said...

Haha. Thanks for the pic. I love strawberries. This looks good.

Note that people wouldn't even notice a minor error.

dfr2010 said...

Thanks, ladies :) Gloria - this one probably won't be seen by too many, although I am currently thinking to make a little wall hanging when I get a fourth one done up. My main goal is get copies of the designs for future reference because the local library won't let me keep the book forever, and it's rather pricey even in the used book section of Amazon!